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Can an arranged marriage ever work?

(bbs.chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2014-11-06 08:20

Lianghai (Netherlands)

People have the right to choose their life partner so I'm against arranged marriages. Having said that, often parents will look around and introduce their child to "compatible" would-be spouses but the decision to go further should be left to the children themselves. Our son is dead set against this kind of introduction, so we don't.

Can an arranged marriage ever work?

Bulgarian Muslim bride Kadrie Avdikova is helped walking with eyes closed by her father Mustafa Avdikov, left, and her husband Mustafa Bushnakov, right, at the end of their two-day wedding ceremony in the Rhodope Mountains village of Ribnovo, some 200 kilometers (124 miles) south of capital Sofia, Sunday, Feb. 23, 2014. [Photo/IC]

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