Opinion / Opinion Line

Diagnoses via Internet need proper treatment

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-04-14 07:27

Diagnoses via Internet need proper treatment

A website for patients to ask doctors medical questions online. [Photo/IC]

The National Health and Family Planning Commission, the top health authority, stressed it has not given the green light to online medical diagnoses and treatment advice out of concerns for patients' safety. Comments:

The authority should pay more attention and draft rules to place Internet-based online medical diagnoses and treatments under effective supervision as soon as possible. It is wrong to strangle a new industry that people want just because the authority does not know how to administrate it.

Qing Huaci, a netizen in a comment posted on paper.cn, April 13

The development of Internet technology has brought about many new situations in the industry. Relevant rules and policies will be constantly improved to adapt to the new changes.

Song Shuli, spokesperson of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, April 12

The Internet cannot meet the requirements of doctors making diagnoses. The doctors cannot diagnose their patients properly via the Internet or a phone call. But the Internet can serve as a platform for medical consultations.

Rao Keqin, Party chief of the Chinese Medical Association, April 13

It is necessary for the authority to say no to Internet-based medical diagnoses and treatments. TV medical advertisements and medical care programs should also be better regulated, because some quacks just prescribe the same medicines for patients without even any diagnosis.

Li Mingming, a netizen commenting on China National Radio, April 13

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