Opinion / Opinion Line

TV appearance may hurt child's development

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-04-19 07:58

TV appearance may hurt child's development<BR>

Hong Kong actor Francis Ng (R) interacts with a little boy during a screening event for Season 2 of Chinese reality TV show "Dad, where are we going?" in Guangzhou city, China, 17 June 2014.[Photo/IC]

The authorities recently released a document that in principle prohibits the children of stars from appearing on TV programs. This will mean popular shows such as Where are we going dad?, which features celebrities traveling with their children, will no longer be made. Beijing Youth Daily comments:

Many netizens expressed their dissatisfaction with the new document because they think child stars perform better than their parents.

However, such entertainment comes at the cost of children's rights. Most of the children are 5 to 8 years old, and being exposed to the public at such an early age might hurt their personal development and distort their psychological health.

Also many parents compare their children with the child stars; some even spend a whole year's income to pay for training courses for their children in the hope that they will appear on television and become famous.

Every child has his or her own unique character. What parents should do is to find that uniqueness and educate their children accordingly, instead of trying to get their children on TV. It is good if you happen to be a star child, but not bad if you are not.

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