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Shanghai sets good example for short-hire bikes

China Daily | Updated: 2017-11-13 07:43

Shanghai sets good example for short-hire bikes

A new tailor-made bike by Ofo Inc. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

ON AUG 18, the Shanghai Transportation Commission calculated that the total number of short-hire bicycles in the city far exceeded the city's parking capacity, so it forbade enterprises from putting new ones into use and asked enterprises to maintain the existing ones well. Recently the commission said it had already removed about 500,000 bicycles that had been left in inappropriate places. Guangzhou Daily comments:

The short-hire bicycles are convenient to use because people can simply use them and leave them. That's why they have appeared in one city after another.

Yet they are a headache for the authorities because people just leave them wherever they want, and inconsiderate users may leave them where they create an obstacle for pedestrians or vehicles.

Because of this, while taking a positive view of the bicycles by allowing their continued use, the local transportation departments in Shanghai and some other cities are also setting an upper limit on their total numbers. That is a good move to cater to the interests of all.

And by clearing the bicycles that have been thoughtlessly left to cause a hindrance to others, the Shanghai authorities have done a good move of supervising the industry for the public good.

Shanghai sets a good example of letting the market play the decisive role in allocating resources and regulating the short-hire bicycle industry. With the fast progress of society, new services and products will emerge, and we hope they will flourish under the proper governance of local governments.

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