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People-centric development

China Daily | Updated: 2017-11-15 07:30

The key to China's achievements over the past decades has been its leadership's understanding of the real needs of Chinese people. Increased fiscal inputs in education, healthcare, employment and other fields related to people's livelihoods, and efforts to promote an efficient and open market have enabled China's development fruits to be better shared among its people.

The reason why economic globalization has encountered headwinds is its lack of inclusiveness. Only with inclusiveness can different countries and groups enjoy the dividends of globalization.

Given that in the new era China's primary social contradiction is between people's desire for a better life and the country's unbalanced and inadequate development, China should continue its efforts to improve people's livelihoods and take targeted poverty alleviation measures to increase people's sense of gain and happiness.

A people-centric development philosophy means working hard to ensure that people's living standards are improved through development and people's ever-growing needs for a better life are met by strengthening their sense of gain, happiness, and security.

This will also mean a more dynamic China whose greater integration with the global economy will create more opportunities and make more contributions to the Asia-Pacific and the world as a whole.

As President Xi Jinping said at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO meeting, China knows full well its responsibility as the world's second-largest economy. It will continue to pursue a people-centered philosophy to make its development more inclusive and beneficial to all.

Deepening reform across the board will unleash dynamism for development that will have a more powerful and extensive impact, present more opportunities for cooperation and enable more countries to board the express train of China's development.

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