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Greater contributions

China Daily | Updated: 2017-11-16 07:51

Greater contributions

President Xi Jinping attends the 25th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting in Da Nang, Vietnam, Nov 11, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]

In his keynote speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO meeting, President Xi Jinping mapped out rosy prospects for China's benign interactions with the world in the new era and said China is willing to work harder with other parties to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world with lasting peace and common security and prosperity.

Such remarks are a solemn announcement of the goal for China's major-country diplomacy by the Chinese leader on the first international occasion after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and transmit to the outside world China's responsibilities as a major country to make greater contributions to the human cause.

The profound changes the planet is undergoing have made the international society an increasingly interdependent community of shared future. At the same time, the profound changes in the global growth model, economic globalization as well as the global economic governance system, along with such non-traditional threats as the widening rich-poor gap, terrorism, cyber threats, major epidemics and climate change, pose new challenges to global governance.

Faced with such changes, should we lead reform and innovation, or just hesitate and proceed haltingly, steer economic globalization or dither and stall in the face of challenges, jointly advance regional cooperation or go our separate ways, Xi asked. Xi gave his answers: We must advance with the trend of times, live up to our responsibilities and work together to deliver a bright future of development and prosperity for the Asia-Pacific.

China shoulders the mission of building a new type of international relations and a community of shared future for all mankind. So, it will consistently adhere to the peaceful development, and work with others to advance the international political and economic order in a fairer and more reasonable direction.



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