Opinion / International ties

US engaging in gunboat diplomacy

[2010-08-13 15:54]

The United States will dispatch the aircraft carrier USS George Washington to the waters west of South Korea (the Yellow Sea) to participate in a series of US-South Korean joint military drills.

Sensationalizing military drill could backfire

[2010-08-05 17:12]

Media landscapes in China and South Korea are showing increasing signs of negative portrayal or coverage on the opposite side. This is a worrying phenomenon.

Is world's center of gravity "moving eastward"?

[2010-08-05 09:38]

China's Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi told reporters in Mexico that he did not agreed with the view that the world's center of gravity is shifting from West to the East.

Challenge the perception of Sino-US relations

[2010-08-02 11:37]

44 percent of Americans saying that China is the world's leading economic power, it's not; and only 27 percent of Americans believe the US is the world's leading economic power, it is.

Big Brother flexes muscles

[2010-07-31 08:08]

US should not hold military drills close to China to 'deter' DPRK because it threatens Beijing's territorial rights

US should stop meddling in Asian issues

[2010-07-29 14:59]

Any solution to regional issues and disputes must be handled by Asians themselves. History shows that foreign interference would only open up a Pandora's Box, threatening the region's peace and stability in the end.

U.S. involvement will only complicate South China Sea issue

[2010-07-28 11:06]

History has repeatedly proven that the involvement of a superpower in disputed areas did, more often than not, complicate the situation and bring tragedy to parties concerned.

Britain will lose by criticizing China on Tibet issue

[2010-07-15 16:40]

The issue of Tibet has turned the edge of British Foreign Secretary William Hague's visit to Beijing this week.

India should not fidget at signs of intimacy

[2010-07-08 16:18]

New Delhi does not need to fidget each time it sees signs of intimacy between Beijing and Islamabad. Instead, it should look to the larger picture of India-China relationship and deepen its political trust with Beijing.

US military presence in the Yellow Sea

[2010-06-28 16:46]

In a terse news release, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) announced on Monday that it will conduct live ammunition exercises in the East China Sea from June 30 to July 5.

German media must abandon China stereotypes

[2010-06-23 10:38]

A disturbing trend is developing in the German media. News agencies there are increasingly engaging in stereotyping and vilification of China. According to a recent survey, a highly critical attitude is pervasive in German media coverage of China.

A Journey of Wonder in China

[2010-06-18 17:15]

There can be no doubt that the center of gravity in financial and industrial power is shifting to China, in particular, and Asia in general.
