
Book Expo: it's not just books and publishing

By Zhao Yunpeng (China Daily)
Updated: 2011-05-04 15:49
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The main venue is the Harbin International Exhibition, Convention and Sports center. Other supplemental sites will be located in the cities of Qiqihar, Mudanjiang, Jiamusi, Daqing and Jixi.

The organizers explain the use of so many locations by saying they want to make it a truly unique event, one with the widest influence and the highest level of development in its history.

They also hope it will give as many people as possible access to various publications from all over the country.

And it will not be limited to just books and publications: a number of other concurrent events will be held.

These include a publishing industry forum, where officials from the General Administration of Press and Publications, provincial government leaders, business leaders, and scholars can share their insights on industry developments.

The event is also a sort of gala for local people who love to read, with a number of interactive activities involving customers, authors, and publishers.

Other activities include a readers' conference and a show with photos from local people and publishers.

There will also be a ceremony where publishers nationwide donate books to rural Heilongjiang libraries.

(China Daily 04/30/2011 page6)

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