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Record breaking bridge in a glass of its own

By Owen Fishwick | | Updated: 2016-08-18 13:51

It's not just China that has fallen for these glass-floored attractions in recent years; many tourist sites across the world have taken the leap of faith too. London's Tower Bridge now has a glass walkway, as well as the Grand Canyon Skywalk in the United States.

Reports in 2015 that a group of Chinese visitors were left screaming after one of the glass panes cracked at a tourist attraction at Yuntai Mountain, Henan province, have not damped visitors' enthusiasm. However, authorities on this latest project have gone to pains to emphasize the safety of the bridge and glass.

Record breaking bridge in a glass of its own

The world's longest and highest glass bridge will open to visitors on Aug 20 at Zhangjiajie, Hunan province, Central China. [Photo/IC]

In June this year, a group of Chinese officials and media representatives were invited to the bridge to conduct a series of extraordinary safety tests. First, 20 volunteers used sledge hammers to try and smash the glass, followed by a two-ton 4x4 driving across the same pane. Finally, the 20 hammerers gave it another go, and although there were some cracks, no one made a speedy descent to the ravine floor.

Designer for the project Wan Tianbao, said they had also taken precautions to stop the bridge from moving in the wind. "When lots of people walk on the bridge in quick progression, it is easy to cause resonance, which can lead to structural deformation," Wan explained to People's Daily Online.

At the end of the day, the success of these panic and thrill-inducing walkways and bridges can only be measured by the brave souls eager to give them a go, and in turn convince the skeptics.

"I've been waiting for this day and finally it’s going to come true," said Weibo user MissMonsant. “The world's best. Let's come together on 20th of Aug, see you on the bridge!"

Another user, ankle_spanker, wrote, "How do I buy tickets? I’m waiting online."


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