Liu blames poor form on disagreement with coach

Updated: 2012-04-08 07:58

By Sun Xiaochen(China Daily)

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 Liu blames poor form on disagreement with coach

Beijing Olympic champion Liu Zige finished third in the 200m butterfly at the Olympic trials in Zhejiang. Cui Meng / China Daily

Struggling through a low point in her career after she lost her favorite event - the 200m butterfly - again, Beijing Olympic gold medalist Liu Zige said her training suffered because of a disagreement with coach Jin Wei.

"I didn't swim well in the last 50 meters. It's all my own fault," Liu said after finishing third. "After the Shanghai Worlds last year, I had some new ideas for my training and didn't communicate with coach very well. The differences between coach and me led to poor training and performance."

It was the fourth time in a major event Liu conceded her lead after the last turn and eventually lost.

Liu, the world record holder, lost her momentum after peaking in 2008. She's rarely reached the top of the podium since, in either domestic or international meets.

Jin shrugged off the disagreement with Liu, stressing she just needs to make minor adjustments.

"No big deal, actually," Jin said after Liu's loss. "We just differed on the distribution of her strength during the 200-meter course. She preferred a strong start in the beginning, while I though she should balance it better. The truth is, she still lacks power in the last 50 meters."

Despite her recent lackluster performances, Liu's London berth shouldn't be a concern as she reached the Olympic A standard.

(China Daily 04/08/2012 page7)