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Experience tribe culture in Aolu Guya

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2014-01-03 16:45

Aolu Guya, in Genhe, Hulunbuir, is home to China's last hunting tribe, the Ewenki ethnic group. The Ewenkis live by raising reindeer and hunting, and they consider the reindeer to be an important part of their family.

Still maintaining an ancient way of life in the Greater Khingan Range, the Ewenkis respect and worship nature. By living in a virgin forest and vast snowfield, the ethnic group has fostered a personality built on toughness and fortitude.

The Ewenki's primitive reindeer culture, birch bark handicrafts and Shaman dances all have been listed as intangible cultural heritages.

The video is provided by Genhe Tourism Bureau.