World / Middle East

Various scenarios await Abbas

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-09-19 16:33

Implementing the agreement is still stalled, where Abbas gained the largest ever popular support when he returned back from New York last year after he dropped the request of recognizing a full membership of a Palestinian state, where thousands of Palestinians considered him as a hero.

Jamal Muheisen, member of Fatah central Committee told Xinhua that the threats on Abbas are a proof that his policy is politically correct "where Israel and the countries that support it are wrong." He said that Israel would cautiously consider taking any action against him.

Abbas had repeatedly said that his first, second and third choices are the peaceful talks with Israel but these talks must be serious and must be preceded by a full Israeli freez of settlement activities. He said Israel's insistence to keep peace stalled would urge him to go the UN for the recognition of a state.

Abbas efforts may succeed to gain the recognition of 133 countries members of the UN General Assembly, where the United States won't be able this time to use the veto. Abbas aides revealed that intensive contacts are held to reach an agreement on supporting Abbas request.

Getting rid of Abbas unlikely

The UN bid influence will be only on the moral aspects without seeing any tangible influence on the ground of reality, therefore speaking about the scenarios of getting rid of Abbas is unlikely, according to observers and political analysts.

Hani al-Masri, a political analyst and director of Badil Center for studies and surveys in the West Bank told Xinhua that there are several obstacles which will face any scenario that leads to getting rid of Abbas "because it is hard to consider him a terrorist since he adopts peace and condemns violence".

"The second scenario is Abbas position, which rejects the resumption of any peace talks with Israel without the full stop of settlement activities, where there is a general Palestinian consensus and no opposition against his stance," said al-Masri.

He added that the alternative to Abbas, which is said to be Hamas movement, which had recently showed a great flexibility, is not accepted either by Israel or the United States because Hamas still rejects the international requirements, mainly recognizing Israel and the signed interim agreements.

"Abbas is still very strong, where he is the chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and has a powerful control on all the official Palestinian institutions and establishments," said al-Madri, who ruled out the scenario of getting rid of Abbas sooner or later.

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