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Chinese FM calls for deepened China-ASEAN co-op

Xinhua | Updated: 2013-08-02 19:06

BANGKOK - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday called on ASEAN countries to join hands with China to further deepen and enrich their cooperation following 10 years of strategic partnership.

He made the remark at the opening ceremony of the High-Level Forum on the 10th Anniversary of China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership held in Bangkok.

Relations with ASEAN have always topped China's diplomatic agenda and the relationship now stands at a key stage of building on past achievement to make new progress, he said.

A review of the past reveals that in growing China-ASEAN relations, the most important foundation is the region's peace and stability the two sides have jointly preserved, he noted.

The most important consensus is to facilitate common development through cooperation and the most important experience is to stick to the "Asia Way" and the "ASEAN Way and resolve the differences through friendly consultation and equal-footed dialogue, he added.

With their relations standing at a new starting point, the two sides should join hands to deepen cooperation in all fields and continue to enrich and improve the regional cooperation structure, he said.

The Chinese minister encouraged the two sides to step up efforts to build an upgraded version of ChinaASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA) and accelerate progress towards all-dimensional connectivity.

In addition, they should actively engage in maritime cooperation, further expand security cooperation and enhance friendship among their peoples, said Wang.

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