World / Asia-Pacific

Thein Sein visits Lingguang Temple

By Hou Liqiang ( Updated: 2014-06-28 17:18

Myanmar President U Thein Sein visited Lingguang Temple in Beijing and presented gifts on behalf of his government.

Thein Sein and his delegation of 71 arrived at the temple at 9:20 am on Saturday. Buddhists from both China and Myanmar conducted a ceremony of "kaiguang", or formal blessing, for a jade Buddha statue presented by Myanmar and a welcoming ceremony for a dagoba (stupa) the temple will present to Myanmar.

Gifts presented, including gems and jade, are worth $429,280.

Master Changcang, abbot of the temple, said it was the fourth time Thein Sein had visited. "Lingguang Temple and Myanmar have forged a profound friendship," he said.

"While the people of Myanmar presented us with jewels, we will build Hope Primary Schools and Buddhist temples and drill wells in Myanmar. All of this shows the friendship between the people of the two countries and friendship of believers in Buddhism of the two countries."

Lingguang Temple, which means temple of Divine Light, dates back more than 1,200 years and is famous for a sacred Buddha tooth relic it holds. The relic has visited Myanmar four times since 1955, according to Changcang.

Thein Sein will take part in a ceremony at the White Horse Temple in Luoyang, Henan province, on Monday to inaugurate a Myanmar-built shrine.

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