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Chinese joint working group urges Malaysia to intensify, expand search

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-03-17 03:25

KUALA LUMPUR - Chinese joint working group entrusted with handling issues related to the missing Malaysian jet liner said here Sunday that they will urge the Malaysian authorities to expand and intensify the search mission and clearly defines the search areas.

Guo Shaochun, the group leader, said that all members of the group were anxious and worried as the plane has gone missing for more than eight days.

The group had followed closely the new information offered by the Malaysian government on Saturday that the plane was deliberately steered off course, Guo said, adding that they had asked the Malaysian authorities to offer more comprehensive and accurate information.

"We will urge and assist Malaysia to bear responsibilities to take good care of and appease the family members of the passengers on the plane," he added.

Upon its arrival here on Monday, the group started work, meeting with relevant departments of Malaysia, raising specific demands on search and investigation, pushing for greater transparency in releasing information that is more authentic and accurate, he said.

The group had also paid several visits to family members, urged Malaysia Airlines to offer them one-on-one services, along with interpreters and daily briefings to ensure better communications, Guo added.

Chinese aviation experts had arrived at Kuala Lumpur to assist Malaysia for the investigation, Guo told reporters.

Flight MH370 went missing early last Saturday morning with 239 people on board en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, sparking a massive search involving more than a dozen nations.

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