World / Opinion

Search must continue

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-03-26 07:44

It is Heart-wrenching for the relatives of the passengers and crew onboard the missing plane to accept the fact that they have lost their loved ones forever.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak delivered his sadness for the lost lives and his condolences for the relatives during his announcement on Monday night. His feelings are shared by people all over the world.

But the pain for the relatives persists, because they still do not know exactly what happened after their loved ones stepped on board Air Malaysia Flight MH370 and where their remains are. While related departments are offering psychological and legal assistance to the relatives, their wish for the whole truth is humane and justified.

Based on fresh analysis of satellite data tracking Air Malaysia Flight MH370, the Malaysian conclusion was it had ended its flight in the southern Indian Ocean remote from any land, yet the detailed evidence to support this deduction was not publicized, giving rise to further doubts and conspiracy theories.

As Premier Li Keqiang said on Tuesday, the priority is still the ongoing search operations, and the Malaysian government is expected to provide more detailed and accurate information and continue to coordinate these unprecedented international efforts. The special Chinese envoy to Malaysia will help.

After 17 days of consistent actions, the international hunt has produced initial clues to possible MH370 debris in the southern Indian Ocean. Chinese vessel Xuelong has arrived in a proposed sea area, three Chinese search vessels are reaching target seas on Wednesday while two more are approaching. Chinese aircraft and satellite sources are also being employed.

Yet it has become a race against time to pinpoint the location of the plane's black box, as it may only have enough power to emit a signal for 30 days, which explains the urgency for concerted international efforts in the coming days and our appreciation of additional help from the United States and Australia.

Although what has happened to the MH370 flight and the 239 passengers and crew onboard may remain a mystery for long, or even forever, finding out the whole truth about this ill-fated flight is in the interests of everyone, besides acting on behalf of the lost souls.

As varied nations carry on this joint operation, those involved in the search should avoid any repetition of the unsatisfactory communication of earlier days. Their timely exchange of accurate information and sound coordination of actions offer the best chance of finding the MH370 wreckage and its black box as early as possible.

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