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Chinese military works with foreign forces in MH370 search

( Updated: 2014-03-27 18:22

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Chinese military works with foreign forces in MH370 search

BEIJING - The Chinese armed forces have kept close contact with militaries and defense departments of other countries in the search for missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, said a Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman on Thursday.

Geng Yansheng made the remarks at a routine press briefing.

According to the spokesman, Fang Fenghui, chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army, held phone conversations with commanders of Malaysian and Australian armed forces on the search operations.

Geng said the Chinese Defense Ministry has kept in close coordination with defense departments of other countries involved in search arrangements.

The Chinese naval and air forces which joined the international search have been working closely with the armed forces of Australia and Malaysia, he said, adding foreign militaries have offered assistance to China in navigation and communication.

The search for debris related to MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean was suspended Thursday due to bad weather, with all aircraft and vessels involved in operations leaving the search area.

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