World / China's declaration and proposition

China urges Japan to stop provoking tensions in South China Sea

[2015-07-03 23:49]

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman reiterates that China's construction activities on the Nansha islands and reefs fall within the scope of China's sovereignty.

China, ASEAN pledge early conclusion of COC on sea disputes

[2015-06-05 10:10]

China and ASEAN agreed to reach an early conclusion on the Code of Conduct (COC) in the South China Sea, as senior officials met Thursday in Beijing for the 21st China-ASEAN Senior Officials' Consultation.

China opposes Carter's comments on construction in South China Sea

[2015-05-30 21:56]

China opposed US Defense Secretary Ash Carter's remarks that China's island-building activities in the South China Sea are undermining security.

China - A staunch proponent of peace and stability in the South China Sea

[2015-05-30 16:18]

Beijing remains committed to strengthening rules governing the South China Sea and resolving disputes through negotiation and consultation.

Manila will not benefit from playing with fire over South China Sea

[2015-05-26 17:43]

Manila's continuous attempts to drag the United States and some other countries further into the South China Sea disputes are irresponsible and counterproductive, and will only exacerbate the already complicated situation.

China dismisses recent tension in South China Sea as 'old tricks'

[2015-05-26 16:25]

Defense Ministry spokesperson Yang Yujun on Tuesday labeled recent incidents in the South China Sea as "old tricks" used to stir tensions and smear the reputation of Chinese armed forces.

China to construct two large lighthouses in the South China Sea

[2015-05-26 14:07]

China's Ministry of Transport hosted a groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday for the construction of two multi-functional lighthouses on Huayang Reef and Chigua Reef of China's Nansha Islands, so as to improve the navigation safety in the South China Sea.

Beijing sets out its rights after reports of incursion

[2015-05-22 08:17]

Government’s response comes after reports of an exchange between the Chinese navy and a US surveillance plane in the South China Sea.

China rejects objection by Vietnam on fishing ban

[2015-05-19 07:27]

Beijing last week announced the temporary ban on fishing in parts of the sea between May 16 and Aug 1 to protect marine resources.

China says DOC not tool for Philippines to whitewash wrongdoings

[2015-05-09 07:39]

China urges the Philippines government to stop unfounded accusation and hyping of China's construction work in the South China Sea.

China rejects Philippine allegations of stealing fish

[2015-04-25 06:20]

While rejecting allegations on Friday that coast guard stole fish, Beijing urges Manila to stop illegally fishing in Chinese waters.

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