World / Asia-Pacific

China vows anti-terror cooperation with Pakistan

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-03-26 16:47

BEIJING -- China is willing to deepen cooperation with Pakistan in anti-terrorism, maritime security and military technology.

The pledge was made by Vice Chairman of China's Central Military Commission Fan Changlong during his meeting with the Chief of Naval Staff of Pakistan Muhammad Zakaullah in Beijing on Thursday.

China has supported Pakistan on its state construction and army building, said Fan, adding that China hopes to enhance coordination and cooperation with Pakistan on regional security affairs.

China will work with Pakistan to push forward the construction of the the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor within the framework of China's "Belt and Road" initiatives and build a community of shared destiny, said Fan.

Zakaullah said Pakistan will work with China to deepen pragmatic cooperation between the two armed forces, especially the navies, to push their cooperation to a new height.

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