World / Lessons from history

Potsdam Proclamation vital to world order, peace: scholars

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-07-26 17:18

Potsdam Proclamation vital to world order, peace: scholars

Potsdam Proclamation, a document issued by China, the United States and Britain on July 26, 1945 in demand of Japan's unconditional surrender in WWII was accepted by Japan in the 1945 Japanese Instrument of Surrender. [Photo/Xinhua]

BEIJING - Marking the 70th anniversary of the Potsdam Proclamation, Chinese experts stressed the significance of the document and called for the whole world to safeguard the hard-earned justice and peace guaranteed by its terms.

On July 26, 1945, China, the United States and Britain issued the Potsdam Proclamation in the German city of Potsdam, demanding Japan's unconditional surrender to the Allies and accelerating the end of WWII.

The document constituted the cornerstone of the post-war international order and the world order today, said Zhao Jianwen, researcher with Institute of International Law under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).

The Potsdam Proclamation laid a foundation for the UN Charter and "the principles and purposes of the charter are in accordance with the spirit of declaration's terms", Zhao said.

Over the past 70 years, the declaration has acted as an important international document in handling the issue of Japan's aggression and ensuring peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region.

"The Potsdam Proclamation terms stipulated how to deal with Japan after the war. And, more importantly, the document stipulated the elimination of militarism in Japan, stipulated Japan's territory and confirmed that the terms of the 1943 Cairo Declaration shall be carried out." said Jin Yilin, deputy director of the Institute of Modern History under CASS.

The Cairo Declaration established that the war waged by Japan was one of aggression and demanded Japan to return all territories it illegally invaded.

The recent passage of the controversial security bills forced by Japan's ruling coalition and Japan's so-called "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands years ago have "violated the Potsdam Proclamation and publicly defied the international documents", according to Lyu Yaodong, researcher with Institute of Japanese Studies under CASS.

Lyu also noted that moves made by Japan's right-wing forces have "trampled on the fruits achieved by the victory of world anti-fascist efforts" and called for the world's attention and denouncement of the nation's illegal doings.

"Each and every country and person that had suffered from the war and peace lovers should uphold human justice and safeguard the peace and security achieved by the Potsdam Proclamation and other documents." said Lyu.

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