World / Photos

China's Air Force flags regular patrols in South China Sea

[2016-07-18 20:06]

The Chinese Air Force has confirmed it undertook a recent H-6K bombers patrol around Huangyan Island above the South China Sea, and said such regularized patrols would continue.

Legal experts question arbitration

[2016-07-18 09:45]

Editor's note: The Public International Law Colloquium on Maritime Dispute Settlement, held in Hong Kong on Friday and Saturday, attracted more than 200 legal experts from a number of countries, including China, the United States, Australia and France.

Stance on South China Sea backed at ASEM meet

[2016-07-18 09:24]

Few other trips made by Premier Li Keqiang have been more sensitively and subtly timed than his first foreign journey of the year-an official visit to Mongolia, where he also attended the 11th ASEM Summit that concluded on Saturday.

Commercial fish cultured at farm in Meiji Reef of South China Sea

[2016-07-18 07:45]

Since fishery expert Lin Zailiang started a fish farm in Meiji Reef of South China Sea nine years ago, the deepwater fish farming cages have increased to 62 by now. Rare commercial fish cultured here are sold well both home and abroad.

Navy chiefs set for fresh talks on South China Sea

[2016-07-18 01:34]

Naval chiefs from China and the United States are set to hold their first face-to-face meeting since the July 12 ruling on the arbitration case brought by the Philippines, which has intensified tensions in the South China Sea.

South China Sea ruling has no influence

[2016-07-16 20:12]

The South China Sea arbitration ruling will not impose "any influence" on China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights, Vice-Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui said on Saturday.

International law experts continue to question South China Sea arbitration

[2016-07-16 16:39]

World renowned scholars and experts on maritime disputes and ocean law questioned on Saturday a ruling by The Hague's Arbitral Tribunal of the Permanent Court of Arbitration that denied China's historical rights to the South China Sea, as a "wrong", "one-sided" and "political decision".

South China Sea arbitration award has no impact on China's territorial sovereignty

[2016-07-16 14:42]

The South China Sea arbitration award will have no impact whatsoever on China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea, says Premier Li.

Talks, way to solve regional problems

[2016-07-16 08:45]

Working together, building trust and friendship and not conflict is the way to solve territorial problems and move forward, said Tung Chee-hwa, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former chief executive of the Hong Kong SAR.

South China Sea doesn't need unnecessary tension: HK's former top official

[2016-07-15 10:57]

The Public International Law Colloquium on Maritime Disputes Settlement has kicked off in Hong Kong on Friday.

NPC issues comments on arbitration award

[2016-07-15 08:24]

Editor's note: Following is the full text of a statement by the Foreign Affairs Committee of China's top legislature, the National People's Congress, issued on Thursday, on the award of the Arbitral Tribunal on the South China Sea issue.

UN International Court had no role in Philippines case

[2016-07-15 08:24]

The International Court of Justice rushed to dispel the myth that it was involved in the South China Sea arbitration case filed by the Philippines, just as the United Nations made a similar online clarification.