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DPRK slams ROK's decision to deploy additional THAAD launch pads

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-08-20 19:05
PYONGYANG -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Sunday slammed the Republic of Korea's decision to deploy four additional launch pads of the Terminal High Altitude Areas Defense (THAAD) system under alleged threat from DPRK missiles.

The official daily Rodong Sinmum said the decision, made by the ROK's Ministry of Defense recently, is "an unpardonable act against the nation aimed at unconditionally accepting the demand of its US master even at the sacrifice of the destiny and interests of the ROK people."

"From the outset, the ROK's ruling forces have had no intention to roll back the plan for deploying THAAD," it said.

"On the contrary, they have borne an ill will to do harm to the fellow countrymen through tightened 'alliance' with the United States by deploying THAAD," it said.

South Korean Defense Ministry said last week it would accelerate the deployment of the THAAD system due to alleged threat from DPRK missiles.

It also conducted a small scale test on its environmental impact to reject claims by some anti-THAAD groups that the system would harm the environment.
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