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Xi talks about THAAD deployment, Syria, anti-terror cooperation ahead of Russia trip

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-07-04 12:13

Anti-terror cooperation

The Chinese president also spoke highly of the anti-terror cooperation between Beijing and Moscow, noting that such cooperation " is an important component of our comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination and sets a fine example for the broader global counter-terrorism cooperation."

"Such cooperation serves peace and stability in this region and beyond as well as the fundamental interests of our two countries. Our sound cooperation in fighting the 'three forces' of terrorism, separatism and extremism through law enforcement and security cooperation mechanisms plays an important and positive role in maintaining stability and promoting development in our two countries and this region at large."

While urging the international community to strive for stability in Syria and other Middle East countries at an early date, Xi called for the rejection of double standards and fully leveraging the leading roll of the UN in the fight against terrorism.

"Counter-terrorism is still used by some countries as a means to advance their own national interests, and double standards are applied in fighting terrorism. As a result, the international counter-terrorism cooperation tends to be fragmented and treated as a convenient tool. Synergy is hard to forge under such circumstances," Xi said.

He also said "a long-term perspective and a multi-pronged approach" should be adopted, one that eyes on "political, economic and cultural fronts, with a view to not only addressing the symptoms but also eliminating the hotbed for terrorism."

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