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China urges cooperation in MH17 crash investigation

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-07-22 13:49

BEIJING - China on Tuesday called on all parties involved to cooperate with the international investigation into the crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said in a press release that China believes the UN resolution on this issue will be fully implemented.

China, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, voted in favor of Resolution 2166 at a meeting of the Council a few hours ago. The resolution, passed unanimously, condemns "in the strongest terms" the downing of flight MH17 on July 17 in Donetsk, resulting in the deaths of all 298 passengers and crew on board.

Hong said the unanimous passage of the resolution is conducive for all parties to enhance mutual understanding, strengthen cooperation and push for progress in the international investigation.

"China supports an independent, fair and objective international investigation into the crash of the Malaysia Airlines flight," he said.

"The International Civil Aviation Organization should be allowed to play its full role in the investigation," the spokesman said.

Hong said China deplores the crash and conveys heart-felt sympathy to the families of the victims.

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