The fashion-adoring Chinese scrutinize global trends and experiment with all of them.
Mother and father dressed identically and wore uniforms while in school, so the instant the freedom of dress arrives, youths take every single fashion risk.
Countless modes of expression blossom on the streets of Beijing and Shanghai, while the lag between trends starting in London or Tokyo and reaching China decreases every year. Many different elements are studiously mixed to form often wacky ensembles. The savvier tend to pick one style tribe and imitate it perfectly while others leap on every new avant-garde fashion as it appears. The range of styles is from hip-hop and rock, to all manner of androgyny, to hipsters that could have just flown over from Brooklyn, to ethnic looks, to innovative new uses of traditional Chinese clothing.One thing that we barely see is classic or staid.
Fashion knowledge and maturity reached this market quickly and one way of assessing a person's level of international exposure is to observe the sophistication of their dress. The last three years have witnessed a move away from the aping of celebrities or foreigners and fashion for the sake of showing off wealth.Now, many dress to express themselves rather than to impress others with their status.This means fewer logos on belts and handbags and more creativity. Purchases are made because of quality rather than brand.As sophistication increases, there are fewer egregious fashion crimes like unconscious vamp, overwhelming over-accessorizing, as well as general kitsch and trashiness. Always improving, fashion in China is an exciting and colorful tapestry.
Nels Frye is a popular American fashion blogger living in Beijing.