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Nanning gears up for CAEXPO

[ 2006-04-18 10:52 ]

The Ministry of Commerce recently held a meeting on preparations for the third China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) in Nanning, capital of South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

It marks the formal beginning of the preparatory work for the expo, which will kick off in October this year.

High-ranking officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce and the People's Government of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, as well as representatives from 45 organizations across the country attended the meeting.

Vice-Minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng was also present and delivered a keynote speech.

He said the annual trade event, as the only State-level international fair focused on co-operation in the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, provides a unique outlook on the achievements of China's opening up to the world, especially in co-operative relations with 10 ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) member countries.

"CAEXPO, encouraged by its impressive effect on trade and investment development, is seeking to promote the construction of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA)," Gao said.

With the establishment of strategic partnership, the two sides have made substantial progress in a variety of fields.

Statistics show that trade volume between the two sides hit US$105.9 billion in 2004. The figure is expected to reach US$200 billion in 2010.

The construction of CAFTA, where the scheme of tariff cuts was launched last July, is anticipated to give a further push to rising trade in the region.

In addition, growing investments indicate that China and ASEAN countries are regarded as popular overseas destinations by investors from both sides.

CAEXPO successes

According to data from the official website of CAEXPO, 389 co-operative projects, worth a total of US$11.5 billion, were signed during the second CAEXPO held last year.

And total trade transactions signed during last year's expo stood at US$1.1 billion, increasing 6 per cent from US$1 billion during the previous session.

This year, known as the China ASEAN Friendly Co-operation Year, witnesses the 15th anniversary of partnership between China and the ASEAN, and a series of activities will take place in commemoration.

The upcoming CAEXPO is a key part of the anniversary celebrations.

The organizers are making great efforts to optimize exhibition facilities and improve related services.

The Nanning International Convention & Exhibition Centre, the fair venue with a total exhibition area of 80,000 square metres, will be equipped with 2,500 indoor booths and 500 outdoor ones.

According to organizers, a large number of companies from home and abroad are expected to participate in the fair, presenting latest products and technologies.

(China Daily)