Seniors return to high school in Wuhan
High school seniors in Wuhan, Hubei province — the hardest hit area in China by the COVID-19 pandemic — returned to school on Wednesday morning.
Wuhan on Wednesday reopened its first batch of 121 high schools 10 days after the city announced itself clear of COVID-19 patients, with a total number of 57,800 senior students returning.
All students need to wear masks to enter campuses and receive a temperature check upon entry. They then need to wash their hands and receive one more temperature check before entering classrooms.
Schools will conduct lectures with no more than 30 students in each classroom to make sure each student is adequately distanced.
Some boarding students returned to their dormitories on Tuesday. Hongshan High School, for example, measured students' body temperatures twice and conducted three sterilization procedures before allowing them to return to their rooms.
Some schools also arranged different times for teachers and students to enter or leave to avoid crowding.
On Monday, nine schools in Hongshan District also conducted emergency drills in case any fever patient is discovered.