Wuhan high school shows its spirit

Six young men were enrolled by a city-level demonstration high school in Wuhan, Hubei province due to their talent for cheerleading.
The bell rang and the cheerleading team of Wuhan No 68 High School gathered at the rehearsal room and began practice. The school, winner of multiple national-level championships in cheerleading, enrolled 11 students for the sport this year, the first time in its history, as part of the efforts to cultivate sports talent in the city.
According to a local policy, middle school graduates who win top three placement at province-level or city-level cheerleading contests are qualified as sports reserve talent and can enter high school if they achieve over 75 percent of the minimum passing score for high school enrollment.
Guo Yijing is one of them. His PE teacher at middle school found the young man was able to easily do the splits, so he recommended him for the cheerleading team on campus. Last year, his team won second place at a city-level campus aerobics competition, and Guo won qualification.