Village keeps ancient paper-making tradition alive

One sheet of paper takes three days to make. The process includes soaking, steaming, pulping, sheet-forming and drying.
"The paper does not require bleaching. As long as the sunshine is good and the water from the stream is clear, the paper will be white," Ai said.
Hundreds of years ago, Mangtuan was designated as the county's official paper-making village, and the paper made there was used to transcribe Buddhist scriptures, playing a vital role in preserving and disseminating religious texts.
In 2006, the Dai paper-making technique was included in the national intangible cultural heritage list, with Mangtuan being named one of two heritage sites. It was also the year that Ai returned to the village for paper-making.
Despite the presence of a large modern paper factory just 100 kilometers away, Mangtuan's traditional craft has not only survived, but thrived.
Taking the traditional white paper as a starting point, Ai made innovative use of fresh flowers and leaves, arranging them in patterns she designed. She also experimented with coloring the flowers, and researched techniques to prevent dehydration.
Tourists and tea merchants who bought paper to wrap their tea products grew fond of these new styles, and prices surged significantly.
In 2014, Ai founded a handmade art company, encouraging the village's paper-making households to join. Combining market demand, the company has developed over 20 cultural and creative products, including table lamps, notebooks and handbags. These products have been exported to Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar and Thailand. "We want our paper to enter people's daily lives and become part of everyday consumption," she said.
Last year, the village's paper production exceeded 3.9 million sheets, with an output value of over 7.8 million yuan ($1.1 million), providing employment for more than 120 locals and increasing the local per capita income by over 30,000 yuan.
Ai said that paper, like people, has emotions. "If you treat it well, it will naturally not let you down."