Beijing will solidify its driving restriction through legislation, said Li Xiaojuan, head of the Office of Legislative Affairs of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress on January 25.
She introduced that the drafting regulation of reducing car use will involved mainly the rule based on car plate tail numbers that has been put into effect for years. The congestion charge for road users has temporarily not been considered in the drafting. “But, we will listen to advice from all around.”
Li Xiaojuan expressed the traffic restriction has been a temporary policy for years, as long as it is codified into legislation, the policy will be solidified as a traffic restriction law.
She said city management is the responsibility of not only the government but also the public. The regulation drafting of car use is a democratic process of collecting the opinions from the mass and a process in which the society is reaching the most common consensus. A reasonable reduction in car use will make sure a relatively smooth traffic.
“The right to use their properties is conferred by law. Only an individual himself or herself has the right to limit it. However, sometimes, the public have to transfer part of their rights so as to better exercise the rights, the process of which makes a law, ” Li said.