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Chinese envoy says Belt and Road Initiative to promote Middle East peace process

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-04-15 16:49


Gong reiterated in the interview that China seeks a comprehensive solution to the Middle East crisis, stressing that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is "the core of the regional crisis."

"All the crises in the regions have been entangled, and it is impossible to solve one without solving the others, especially without handling the Palestinian-Israeli conflict properly," the senior diplomat explained to Xinhua.

The international community should respect the relevant United Nations resolutions and seek the political solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Gong said.

Most countries in the world agree to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through the Arab Peace Initiative and the two-state solution because they are the most feasible solutions on the table, Gong said.


As an emerging power, China will shoulder its due responsibilities in the Middle East but it has no selfish interests in the region, Gong said in the interview.

China is keen to see the Middle East countries regain peace and stability and achieve economic prosperity, he said.

China's Middle East policy focuses on pushing forward peace process on an equal and just basis, the Chinese envoy said.

"China always seeks to quench the fire rather than stir the flame, which is a traditional Chinese wisdom of conflict management," Gong said.

Speaking of the recent twin suicide attacks in Tanta and Alexandria in Egypt, Gong said China condemns all forms of terrorist activities and supports Egypt in combating terrorism.

"China stands together with Egypt especially during hard times," he said.

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