BIZCHINA / Biz Media Digest

Auto: The latest of corporations

Updated: 2006-04-03 15:07

Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp, the domestic partner of General Motors, has appointed Philip Murtaugh, former chairman and chief executive officer of GM in China, as its vice president. The 51-year-old GM veteran, who quit his job in March last year for personal reasons, starts today at SAIC, the second largest domestic automaker, according to New Auto magazine, citing high ranking officials. (Shanghai Daily)

Volkswagen aims to speed up plans to buy US$1 billion in parts annually from low-cost suppliers in China, Europe's biggest carmaker said Friday, exerting pressure on VW¡¯s German components plants to cut costs. "The goal is to sign by the end of 2006 contracts worth US$1 billion of exports to the group," a VW spokeswoman said. (Shenzhen Daily)

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