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Vice president delivers speech on Boao forum
Updated: 2006-04-22 13:39

Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong said here Saturday China will work for mutual benefit and common development in Asia and the world.

At the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Meeting 2006, Zeng recalled the development of China in the past five years, saying that China has steadily advanced its reform and opening-up program. It overcame the difficulties caused by the Asian financial crisis and prevailed over SARS and other natural disasters.

China also has overcome some destabilizing factors and risks in the economy and maintained fast and steady economic growth, he added.

In 2005, he said, China's GDP grew by 9.5 percent to top US$2.2 trillion, or an average US$1,700 per person. "This has paved the way for ensuring China's economic development in the coming five years," he said.

Zeng also briefed the annual meeting on the outlines of the national economic and social development plan for 2006-2010, which was approved by the 10th National People's Congress in early March this year.

According to the plan, China will pursue a scientific outlook on development and build a harmonious society that will advance the interests of all social groups in a balanced way.

Zeng said China aims to promote all-round and integrated process in economic, political, cultural and social fields. In pursuing the development, China strives to achieve balanced growth in urban and rural areas, coastal and inland areas and in economic and social fields.

Following the basic state policies of resources conservation and environmental protection, China pursues the goal of sustainable development and of building a resource-conserving and environmental-friendly society.

At the same time, he said, "we make sure that China's development is backed and driven by reform and opening-up and by innovation.

Zeng said the above concepts, approaches and measures will guide the country both at present and in the future.

About 850 Chinese and overseas officials, business people and scholars participate in the annual meeting in the coastal scenic town in south China's island province of Hainan.

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