BIZCHINA / Biz Media Digest

Tourism: Geopark to add 200 signboards

Updated: 2006-05-12 14:37

Yimeng Mountain National Geopark will add more than 200 signboards to its important tourist attractions to acquaint visitors with geological information as well as to improve transportation conditions and other facilities of the park, there will be 129 sightseeing signboards for the geological relics spots and tourist attraction entrances, and 54 signboards for communication instructions along important paths and roads. (China Daily)

A group of tourists from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region visited Shishan Volcano Group National Geopark in Haikou, Hainan Province, at the end of April hoping to strengthen eco-tourism co-operation. Some 38 visitors conducted field studies of the geological conditions in and around the park. (China Daily)

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