BIZCHINA / Biz Media Digest

Trade: World greatest shopaholics
Updated: 2006-06-07 15:03

Results from the global ACNielsen on-line survey about consumer's attitudes towards shopping have confirmed that the world's biggest shopaholics are to be found in Asia and more closely, in Hong Kong.

A recent ACNielsen global on-line survey conducted among 22, 000 internet users in 42 markets has revealed that 74 percent of world's consumers admit to shopping as a form of entertainment while 93 percent of Hong Kong consumers see the same.

According to the survey, seven of the top 10 markets with most people claim to shop once a week simply to amuse themselves all hail from Asia. People in Hong Kong (34 percent), United Arab Emirates (30 percent) and Thailand (27 percent) top the world for shopping once a week for entertainment.

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