BIZCHINA / Biz Media Digest

Macro: China to see baby boom
(Shanghai Daily)
Updated: 2006-08-10 14:27

Are you still wondering why all of a sudden crawling babies and affectionate moms have become leading actors and actresses of prime time TV commercials in China? It's going to be even more apparent from now on as a two-year baby boom is emerging in China - already the world's most populous nation.

Just in Shanghai, about 130,000 babies will be born this year, up from the 120,000 in 2005, according to the Shanghai Population and Family Planning Committee. Many of the mothers gave birth for the sake of good luck. Twenty-seven-year-old Kelly is a good example of a mom who wants to catch the frenzy by giving birth in the Year of the Pig.

"According to old Chinese tradition, 2007 - the Year of the Pig - is the luckiest year in decades," said Kelly. "Everyone is talking about that, in the stores, at hospitals, on TV...and I don't want to miss the good luck, either." As for Kelly and other young couples, the years of the Dog and Pig are perfect timing for giving birth. And producers of baby products are just as happy.

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