Premier restates resolve on reform, opening up

Updated: 2006-10-01 14:25

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao reiterated in Beijing on September 30 the government's determination to advance reform and opening up on the eve the People's Republic of China's 57th anniversary on October 1.

At a reception in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing marking the founding anniversary of the People's Republic of China, Wen said China had created a historic miracle by achieving nearly three decades of rapid and sustainable economic growth and all-round social development.

More than 1,500 Chinese and foreign personages and senior officials attended the reception, including Hu Jintao, Chinese president and general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Wu Bangguo, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, Jia Qinglin, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, and other members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Zeng Qinghong, Huang Ju, Wu Guangzheng, Li Changchun and Luo Gan.

The premier pointed out that China would become a prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious modern socialist country if it adhered to the path of scientific development.

"We'll unswervingly push reform and opening up," he said. "This trend is irreversible," he noted.

He highlighted continuing efforts to reform economic, political, cultural and social management systems and the need to encourage a hard-working spirit to create a better future.

He also stressed the government's resolve to fight against corruption.

The central government would continue to work with Hong Kong and Macao people to ensure their prosperity and stability, to make efforts with Taiwan compatriots to achieve national reunification and work with the international community for a peaceful, prosperous and harmonious world, he said.

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