IT: China needs more website editors

Updated: 2006-11-14 14:10

The demand for website editors in China is set to soar with predictions of a 30 percent growth in demand in the next decade and warnings of inadequate training programs.

China has more than three million website editors, but was still facing a shortfall in qualified personnel.

The lack of professional training accounted for the shortfall, the Shenzhen Economic Daily quoted a teacher surnamed Wang with the Shenzhen Senior Technical Institute as saying.

Wang said at least two thirds of the website editors in China's e-commerce, business and gateway websites should receive further training in on-line editorial work.

In China, most website editors used to be newspaper journalists, website administrators or graphics designers and lacked professional training.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security has listed website editors as a new profession and held a trial exam last December in China's northeast Heilongjiang Province aimed at standardizing the professional qualification. The exam categorized editors into four grades covering both primary and advanced levels.

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