
Strict watch on stale grain sales

By Liu Chang (China Daily)
Updated: 2006-12-25 09:08
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The national grain watchdog will tighten market supervision to ban the sale of stale grain for human consumption.

The State Grain Administration issued two notices recently on the supervision of sales of old grain, normally used in the production of industrial alcohol.

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The amount of stale grain sold to authorized companies will be restricted each time to six months' consumption, and the total amount must not exceed a company's annual requirements.

The move is to prevent companies selling stale grain to consumers as food.

It was reported recently that grain more than three years old was sold as food in markets of some cities such asTianjin.

In fact, the grain had gone bad and was not fit for human consumption, sources said.

Grain prices have seen a significant increase. According to the National Bureau of Statistics the price of grain products rose 4.7 per cent last month.

In a move to stabilize prices and guarantee market supply, 4.34 million tons of grain have been auctioned since last month, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

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