Wu Yi apologizes for high medical costs

(China Daily)
Updated: 2007-03-08 11:01

Vice-Premier Wu Yi apologized to lawmakers yesterday for failing to check soaring medical expenses.

"People are dissatisfied, and I feel guilty for that. I should apologize to you," Wu said at a panel discussion with lawmakers on the sidelines of the Fifth Session of the 10th National People's Congress (NPC).

Wu, who successfully steered China's negotiations with the World Trade Organization, is the only female vice-premier in the cabinet. Her jurisdiction includes health and medical services.

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Rising medical costs have become a major concern in China. And a series of accidents caused by substandard food and medicine added to people's woes.

"Food and drug safety are a matter of people's health and security," Wu said.

Statistics show that nearly 70 percent of China's food producers are small factories or workshops. More than 85 percent of China's drug manufacturers are small companies with annual sales revenue of less than 100 million yuan ($12.9 million).

Wu promised that the government would more closely supervise small workshops, food stores, stalls and eateries, the likeliest sources of food poisoning.

The government will also monitor food and drug makers and distributors more closely, Wu said.

She also promised to address problems in the medicine sector and said the country's drug watchdog would improve the administrative system for drug research and production.


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