Video chat with David Dollar (1)

Updated: 2008-02-22 16:28

CD for China Daily

DD for David Dollar

CD: Good afternoon, dear visitors to the China Daily Website. Today we are honored to have Mr. David Dollar, country director for China and Mongolia for the World Bank, to talk about the cooperation and possibilities for future development of cooperation between China and the World Bank.

DD: Thank you very much. Great pleasure to be here.

CD: Mr. Dollar, first let me start off by asking you: How long have you been in China?

DD: On this assignment, I came in the middle of 2004, so almost four years now.

CD: We were told that you started to pay attention to things in China back in the early 1970s.

DD: I happened to graduate from high school the year that Nixon came to China, 1972. So I ended up majoring in Chinese history and Chinese language in college. I lived in Taiwan as a student, and then I had my first chance to come to the mainland in 1986. I was teaching at the Chinese Academy of Social Science graduate school for one semester in 1986.

CD: Where were you in high school?

DD In high school I was in suburban New Jersey, outside of New York City.

CD: Across from the Hudson River.

DD That's right.

CD: Which college did you go to?

DD: Dartmouth College, in New Hampshire. It had a small Chinese language program, but a very good one.


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