Volkswagen: An excellent corporate citizen in China
By Zhao Bian (China Daily)
Updated: 2008-08-20 09:48

"Volkswagen Green Future Environmental Education Initiative is the first in-depth cooperation that the CEEC (Center for Environmental Education and Communications of the Ministry of Environmental Protection) conducted with an official Olympic partner," said Jiao Zhiyan, director of the CEEC.

"I hope this campaign will serve as a good platform to disseminate environmental protection knowledge so as to raise the public awareness of environmental protection, especially among the younger generation," said Jia Feng, vice-director of the CEEC.

Chen Jing, Olympic table tennis champion, also participated in Volkswagen's "green future" initiative. "I hope this program will be conducted regularly so that it not only increases the awareness of environmental protection among children but also reaches more people in the future," Chen said.

Road safety

It's hard to believe but more than half of the fatal road accidents are caused by tired driving. Physical strain usually creeps over drivers around noon, dusk and midnight. A little rest or a 10-minute nap when necessary would go a long way in preventing accidents.

You might wonder why the probability of traffic accident increases greatly with nightfall, when the traffic is thinner and the roads lighted up. That is because our vision gets weaker as the day gets darker. Furthermore, our eyesight suffers a natural decline when we reach 25. Hence, it's absolutely necessary for drivers to turn on the headlights before dark. Regular checks on vehicle lights as well as eyesight are essential for drivers.

Do you know the risks of overtaking? Do you know how to take good care of children in the car? Do you want to learn more about road safety?

These are the things that the "Volkswagen Road Safety TV program" wants to address. This is an educational TV series initiated by Volkswagen Group China and specifically produced for Chinese customers to raise their road safety awareness as well as to boost the spirit of "People's Olympics".

The 11-episode TV series is jointly filmed by "Seventh Sense" ("Der 7. Sinn"), a famous German road safety program, and its Chinese partner. It has been widely broadcast through TV and Internet since its launch last December.

Volkswagen Group China not only sees China's road safety as its own responsibility, but also aims to scientifically find out the regional characteristics of road accidents in China and work out the corresponding solutions to reduce them. To fulfill its goal, Volkswagen Group China cooperates with Tongji University in conducting a research program called "Road Traffic Safety" to improve road safety by tackling the problems right from the start - auto manufacturing.

Deeply caring for the green and safe future of the Chinese people coupled with the willingness to make contribution to China, Volkswagen Group China will continue to strive, as it always has, to become the best corporate citizen of China and the country's most reliable partner.

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