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University heads arrested over corruption
Updated: 2009-10-12 14:23

Two chiefs of Wuhan University in this capital city of central China's Hubei province have been arrested over alleged bribery, the provincial procuratorate said Sunday.

The Hubei Provincial People's Procuratorate approved the arrest of Chen Zhaofang and Long Xiaole on September 13 and 26 respectively and the two have been deprived of their administrative and party posts.

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Chen, 59, was the former vice president of the university and had been in charge of the financing and logistics departments.

Long, 61, was the former deputy secretary of the university committee of the Communist Party of China.

An insider who declined to offer his name said the local procuratorate found the two men were involved in a corruption case concerning a local private company.

The procuratorate said the case is under investigation and it could not provide details.

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