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Three cruises call at Tianjin Port

By China Daily Tianjin Bureau | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-03-14 13:34

Three cruises called at Tianjin Port together for the first time, which made the whole port embrace the climactic moment.

Recently in 2013, the first peak of berth in Tianjin Port has emerged as the time's require. "AURORA", a fancy cruise registered in the Bermuda, British Carnival Cruise Lines "P&O", has completed a spectacular gathering of three international luxury cruise ships with its first call at Tianjin home port.

By the time the three cruises of AURORA, NAUTICA and VOLENDAM berthed in the Tianjin International Cruise Home Port and the Tianjin passenger terminal port separately, had finished a grant mission of serving 3,448 tourists and 1,829 staffs in the tour between the attractions of Tianjin and Beijing.

The Tianjin International Cruise Home Port, the Tianjin port passenger transport company, the PSB, the immigration bureau in Tianjin and other maritime sectors performed an excellent cooperation in making and executing various plans, tactics both methodically and thoroughly, aiming at raising efficiency, providing high-quality services and ensuring the international tourists can enjoy every moment during the port.

As the fourth international noted fancy cruise berthed at Tianjin Port in 2013, the AURORA has made a historic progress for its first anchor at the local dock. This 76152ton-displacement "giant beauty" was spent 200 million pounds on its building and owned by P&O whose ships" tracks can be found in North America, South Africa, Asia and Oceania.

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