Business / Biz Photos

China's top 10 outstanding businesswomen

Updated: 2014-06-25 07:07 (

No 1 Sun Yafang

Age 59

Chairwoman of Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

As technology giant Huawei's chairwoman, Sun Yafang is often refered as “Huawei queen”. Huawei's revenue in 2013 rose to 100 billion yuan, a 34.4 percent growth year on year. At present, Huawei has 16 R&D centers in resource-rich locations, 28 joint-innovation centers and more than 40 professional competency centers around the world. Sun's management skills, cross-cultural communications and coordination skills have made her the front runner of most outstanding Chinese businesswomen.

China's top 10 outstanding businesswomen


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