Business / Biz Photos

Employing the physically challenged

Updated: 2014-12-04 13:40 (

According to government statistics, there were more than 85 million people with disabilities living in China by the end of 2010. To help these people assimilate into society, China has been working to find employment for this group nationwide.

In China, many of the physically challenged are trained at special education schools. After graduation, they are recruited to positions that utilize the special skills they learned at school.

Some retailers in China even run businesses that specially hire the physically challenged.

Employing the physically challenged

Wang Yuanshun, (third from left), teaches physically challenged students sewing skills in a training center in Langfang city, North China's Hebei province, Dec 3, 2014. Wang himself is physically impaired. After his success in the clothing sector, he built up a training center to help others in similar situations. [Li Xiaoguo/Xinhua]

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