Business / Economy

Statistical Communique on China's 2014 National Economic and Social Development

(National Bureau of Statistics of China) Updated: 2015-02-26 14:04

[14] Private investment in fixed assets refers to investment in the construction or purchase of fixed assets by domestic collective, private, individual-owned enterprises or organizations or their holding enterprises (including absolute and relative controlling).

[15] The data for the total retail sales of consumer goods and other related data in 2014 were from annual reporting forms.

[16] Online retail sales refer to the retail sales of goods and services realized through internet trading platforms (including self-built websites and third-party platforms). The sales of services and a few other goods for production operation and resale are not covered by the total retail sales of consumer goods.

[17] According to related regulations, the trade of goods is calculated in RMB term. Trade of services, utilization of foreign investment, overseas investment and contracted overseas engineering projects are still in US dollar term because of technique issues.

[18] The imports and exports of services were calculated according to the sixth edition of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6) and did not cover government services and the growth rate was calculated on a comparable basis.

[19] The turnover of post and telecommunication services is calculated at constant prices of 2010.

[20] The capacity of mobile phone switchboard refers to the number of maximum concurrent users calculated by the mobile phone switchboard according to certain calling model and switchboard processing capacity.

[21] Fixed broadband users refer to those who make registration in the telecommunication enterprises and access the internet through xDSL, FTTx+LAN, FTTH/0 and other broadband access ways as well as dedicated lines at the end of the reporting period.

[22] Mobile broadband users refer to those who have records in the billing system and use 3G or 4G network resources at the end of the reporting period.

[23] The number of mobile Internet surfer refers to the number of Chinese residents aged 6 and above who connected to and surfed on the Internet via mobile phones in the past six months.

[24] Social financing refers to the total funds raised by real economy from the financial system over a period of time. It is an increment.

[25] Non-public new issue or targeted placement excludes assets subscription.

[26] Corporate debenture bonds include debt financing instruments of non-financial businesses, enterprise bonds, corporate bonds and convertible bonds.

[27] The original premium income received by the insurance companies refers to the premium income from original insurance contracts confirmed by the insurance companies.

[28] The per capita disposable income of urban households was 29,381 yuan according to the old definitions of urban household surveys before the integrated survey of urban and rural households.

[29] The median of per capita income refers to the per capita income of household lied in the middle of all surveyed households which are ranked from low to high (or high to low) based on per capita income level.

[30] Vocational secondary schools include regular specialized secondary schools, adult specialized secondary schools, vocational high schools and skilled workers schools. The data concerning skilled workers schools come from that of 2013.

[31] State venture capital investment plan for emerging industries refers to the activities in which the central government special funds, together with the local government funds and social funds set up venture investment enterprises, or invest in the venture businesses in the form of equity investment to foster or promote the development of emerging industries.

[32] The people received by the public libraries refer to the number of people who visit libraries and use library services in the year, including borrowing and reading books, consultation and attending readers’ programs.

[33] Special movies refers to those using different display modes in terms of projection techniques, equipment and program as compared with the ordinary cinemas, such as IMAX movies, 3D movies, 4D movies, multidimensional movies and full dome movies.

[34] The average number of books possessed per person refers to the average number of books published in the year that can be possessed per person in China.

[35] Data as of the end of 2013.

[36] Field space refers to the effective areas which can be used for training, competition and exercises. Apart from the playing area, it also includes necessary safety area, buffer area and barrier-free area.

[37] Based on the Third Economic Census, social welfare institutions and community service centers were reclassified and organized. Data in 2014 are adjusted accordingly.

[38] The beds provided by social welfare institutions include those provided by adoption agencies, aid agencies, community agencies, serviceman recreation habitation and military supply stations etc.

[39] Five-guarantees supporting in rural areas refers to villagers who are aged, disabled or under the age of 16 and have no ability to work, no source of income and no statutory obligors to provide for them, bring them up or support them, or whose statutory obligors have no ability to provide for them, bring them up or support them, shall enjoy life-care and physical care in terms of food, clothing, housing, medical care and funeral expenses.

[40] Total supply of state-owned land for construction use refers to the supply of state-owned land for construction use with the land-used right sold, allocated or leased to units or individuals by the municipal or county governments according to annual land supply plan and in line with relevant laws in the reporting period.

[41] Land used for real estate refers to the sum of land used for commercial service and for residence.

[42] The consumption of water and energy for producing 10 thousand yuan worth of GDP and water consumption for every 10 thousand yuan worth of industrial value added are calculated at 2010 constant prices.

[43] Ten major river basins include the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Pearl River, Songhua River, Huaihe River, Haihe River, Liaohe River, rivers in Zhejiang and Fujian Provinces, rivers in Northwest China and rivers in Southwest China.

Data Sources:

In this Communiqué, data of newly increased employed people, registered unemployment rate and social security in urban area are from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security; financial data are from the Ministry of Finance; data of foreign exchange reserves, exchange rate, monetary finance and corporate credit bonds are from the People’s Bank of China; data of output of aquatic products are from the Ministry of Agriculture; data of production of timber, forestry and forest fires are from the State Forestry Administration; data of areas with effective irrigation system and water resources are from the Ministry of Water Resources; data of newly increased power generating capacity and newly increased power transformer equipment with a capacity of over 220 kilovolts are from China Electricity Council; data of new railways put into operation, extended or new double-track railways put into operation, electrified railways put into cooperation and railway transportation are from China Railway Corporation; data of new highways, new cargo-handling capacity of berths for over 10000-tonnage ships, highway transportation, waterway transportation and volume of freight handled by ports are from the Ministry of Transport; data of new civil transportation airports and civil aviation are from Civil Aviation Administration of China; data of new lines of optical-fiber cables, new capacity of phone switchboards, the number of phone users, broadband users and internet users etc. are from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology; data of affordable housing, treatment of city sewage, area with central heating systems and greenery coverage are from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development; data of imports and exports of goods are from the General Administration of Customs; data of imports and exports of services, foreign direct investment, overseas direct investment, overseas contracted projects and overseas labor contracts are from the Ministry of Commerce; data of pipelines are from China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation and China National Offshore Oil Corporation; data of motor vehicles for civilian use and the road traffic death toll are from the Ministry of Public Security; Data of post services are from the State Post Bureau; data of tourism are from the National Tourism Administration and the Ministry of Public Security; data of listed companies are from the China Securities Regulatory Commission; data of insurances are from China Insurance Regulatory Commission; data of education are from the Ministry of Education; data of national technology research and development program and technology transfer contracts are from the Ministry of Science and Technology; data of national engineering research centers, enterprise technical centers and venture capital investment for boosting new emerging industries are from the National Development and Reform Commission; data of patents are from the State Intellectual Property Office; data of satellite launch are from the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense; data of quality inspection, development and revision of national standards are from the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; data of earthquakes are from the China Seismological Bureau; data of oceanic observation stations, direct economic loss caused by oceanic disasters are from the State Oceanic Administration; data of mapping are from the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation; data of art-performing groups, museums, public libraries and culture centers are from the Ministry of Culture; data of radio, television, movies, newspapers, magazines and books are from the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television; data of documents are from the State Archives Administration; data of sports are from the General Administration of Sport; data of physically-challenged athletes are from the China Disabled Persons’ Federation; data of health are from the National Health and Family Planning Commission; data of social services, minimum living allowances, five-guarantees supporting, areas of crops hit by natural disasters, direct economic loss caused by flood and waterlog, direct economic loss caused by drought, direct economic loss caused by low temperature, frost and snow are from the Ministry of Civil Affairs; data of supply of state-owned land for construction use are from the Ministry of Land and Resources; data of natural reserves and environment monitoring are from the Ministry of Environmental Protection; data of average temperature and typhoon are from the China Meteorological Administration; data of work safety are from the State Administration of Work Safety; all the other data are from the National Bureau of Statistics.

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