Business / Economy

7% GDP rate will be quality growth

( Updated: 2015-06-11 16:26

Q3. What are your biggest concerns regarding the economy?

Hao: My biggest concern is how long will the current economic situation last? Can we see the bottom of this at the end of the year; second, how long will the national reform results play a role; third, whether China can achieve a green GDP with quality by taking advantage of the economic downturn and reverse its condition through structural adjustments.

Q4. With construction and manufacturing sectors experiencing a slowdown, what are some of the major growth drivers the government should focus on to help boost the economy?

Hao: The new engine will be the momentum for growth in the future. On one hand is consumption and only that can make an economy a booming one. I hope that China's consumption will be credit consumption, achieving rapid growth, thus increasing the power of economic development. The second aspect is innovation. Develop the economy through the innovation of science and technology, because economic development cannot be achieved without the innovation of science and technology, so we must put more energy, effort and resource on science and technology innovation, including the field of "innovation and entrepreneurship" to achieve rapid economic growth. Actually the concept of the "Internet plus" is the derivative in this aspect. The third is the reform of the economic system, especially the reform of the financial system, which I think is a very important engine.

Q5. Instead of solely focusing on GDP numbers, the government is now looking at sustainable growth. Do you think with the focus shifting, China will see a more substantive, all-round development?

Hao: I'm optimistic. On one hand, Chinese leaders such as President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang have given us great support on macro policies; on the other hand, many entrepreneurs, including those people who are living at the bottom of society, are of great creativity and enthusiasm. The good trend means China's economic path will be smoother under the correct leadership of our country. My only concern now is whether the transmission mechanism of reform is effective.

Q6. As an expert in the financial investment area, would you comment on the significance of the credit system to the financial investment?

Hao: The establishment of the credit system can not only promote China's credit development but also make the whole industry in a greener and more intelligent way. Prior to the credit system, borrowers mainly relied on themselves to collect data and post-loan monitor to reduce risks, but it takes a longer time and at a relatively higher cost. With the gradual development of the financial industry, borrowers have found that sharing information is of great help to control the borrowers' risks of default. A perfect credit system plays a more important role in financial investment and lending decisions, especially those valuable credit reports that can significantly reduce decision-making errors and default rates.

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