Business / Economy

Overseas observers speak highly of Chinese premier's speech at Boao forum

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-03-26 11:09

The vitality of Asia could come from the Internet economy and innovation, in which China has made impressive achievements as a model for other countries, said Laurenceson.

Li Jianxiong, senior adviser at the China-ASEAN Business Council, hailed the "Belt and Road" Initiative, which, he said, has facilitated regional cooperation, infrastructure construction and integrated development.

The RCEP could be a strong supplement of the "Belt and Road" Initiative by enlarging cooperation, said Li.

China's resolution enhances world confidence

While calling for closer cooperation among Asian countries, Premier Li identified China's reform and opening-up drive, economic restructuring, improving people's livelihood and people's vitality and innovative capacity as China's four reliable growth engines.

"Premier Li Keqiang has shown determination when tackling the challenges that the Chinese economy is facing as it shifts its growth model," Dominique de Villepin, the former French prime minister, told Xinhua after Li's speech.

China's change is under way, which is evident in the growth of the sector of services and domestic consumption, said de Villepin, adding that innovation and large-scale investments in sustainable development listed in the 13th Five-Year Plan also reflect the change.

The growth of China, Europe and the world is closely linked, which is why China's "Belt and Road" Initiative is so important, he said.

Premier Li's speech boosts confidence in the Chinese economy, said Li Jianxiong, explaining that the Chinese economy will not "hard land" as feared by other countries. It is still growing at a relatively high speed as a big economic entity, he said.

China's reform is systematic and step-by-step while the Chinese government has started dealing with problems in the economic transformation, which has already shown positive development, added Li.

China's reform is heading in the right direction, especially by allowing the market to play a bigger role in resource distribution, said Yang Xian, dean of the National University of Singapore Business School.

Yakov Berger, senior researcher with the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, hoped that China could carry out reforms and ensure a sustainable growth not only in the short term but also in the long run.

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