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Hydrogen energy program launched in Dalian

By Zhang Xiaomin | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-02-22 15:51

A hydrogen fuel cell and hydrogen energy auto program was launched on Tuesday in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning province.

The program is expected to introduce the world's most advanced technology to Dalian and accomplish industrialization, Liang Yi, president of Dalian Hydrogen Energy Research Institute, said.

Together with Dalian Metal Surface Coating Research Institute, the company is committed to the research, production and sale of hydrogen fuel cell.

They will cooperate with Germany's e.m.t GmbH Energy & Material Technologies on hydrogen fuel electric plate and surface coating.

"The potential of China is great for the future energy," e.m.t GmbH chief executive Christian Erdmann said. "Here are people who want to overtake the technology leadership. The only technology that has not been industrialized by now is this one."

The new technology and new energy cannot be developed quickly. Instead, it might take 10 to 15 years of gradual development before being put onto the market for application, he said.

Lushunkou, a district in Dalian, will be built into a leading hydrogen energy research and development and manufacturing base in China and even in the world, Li Jun, chief executive of the Lushunkou district government, said.

"It will help to promote the structural adjustment, as well as the transformation and upgrading of the industrial base in Northeast China," Li said.

The first Dalian International Hydrogen Symposium will be held at the end of May.

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